Age: 10+
- Friday 15th November at 19:30
- Saturday 16th November at 17:00 (sold out)
- Saturday 16th November at 19:30 (Sensory Friendly)
- Sunday 24th November at 10:30
- Sunday 24th November at 12:30
1 hour
Theatre, Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta
Adults €8
Children €5

What happens when AiDA, a rebellious girl, finds herself trapped inside a video game being developed by her mother, Gloria?
Join AiDA as she navigates the perilous challenges of a game loosely based on the adventures of Pinocchio, discovering what it truly takes to grow up in a digital world.

X’jiġri meta tifla ribelluża, AiDA, issib lilha nnifisha maqbuda f’logħba virtwali li qed tiġi żviluppata minn ommha Gloria?
Ingħaqdu ma’ AiDA hekk kif tinnaviga l-isfidi perikolużi ta’ logħba li hija kemxejn ibbażata fuq l-istorja ta’ Pinocchio, u tipprova tiskopri xi tfisser tikber f’dinja diġitali.
Cast and Creative Team
Scriptwriter: Jes Camilleri
Direction: Chris Gatt/Jes Camilleri
Music Composer/Musician: Jes Psaila
Visuals: Ivan Coleiro/Louiselle Vassallo
Set Construction/Stage Manager: Gordon Dimech
Costume Design: Liliana Portelli
Costume Making: Marcon Pisani
Prop Design/Making: Liliana Portelli, Paul Portelli, Pierre Stafrace
Actors: Leah Grech, Charlotte Grech, Pierre Stafrace, Paul Portelli, Liliana Portelli, Lilla Kedves