Be kind (circus theatre for the little ones !)

Age: 6 to 18 months

Friday 7th February at 18:00

Saturday 8th February 2025 at 11am (sold out) & 5pm (sold out)


30 minutes


Studio A, Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5

Come and experience the wonderful world of circus together with your little one for the first time.
Be kind is an intimate theatre experience for babies aged 6 to 18 months. The little ones are introduced to
acrobatics and juggling from up close.

In this fluid performance of sound, colour and movement, two circus artists take you on a sensory journey. From the singing of early birds to luminous juggling clubs at dusk, the performance follows the rhythm of
the day. The pop-up decor slowly comes to life, and there is always something that rattles, appears, creaks, rolls or floats. During the performance, a heartwarming dialogue develops between the artists and their young audience. After the performance, the artists invite the little ones to discover the stage together. They can crawl in, out, along and through the set to explore the special materials up close.

“The joyful baby rebellion during Be Kind really topped everything.” Theaterkrant

Idħol fid-dinja kreattività u tas-sengħa tal-Maskri tagħna tal-Karnival: Ħolqien bil-Kartapesta. Iddiżinjat għal parteċipanti ta’ kull età (bi gwardjan għal parteċipant iżgħar), din is-sessjoni prattika tiggwidak matul il-proċess meraviljuż tal-ħolqien tal-maskri f’erba’ stadji interessanti: skultura bit-tafal jew ġablo, saffi tal-kartapesta, tirqim għal finitura perfetta u dekorazzjoni b’żebgħa vibranti u tiżjin.
Kemm jekk int artist emerġenti jew artist b’esperjenza, dan il-workshop joffri opportunità unika biex toħroġ il-kreattività tiegħek u tfassal maskra tal-karnival personalizzata. Għal aktar flessibilità, l-parteċipanti jistgħu jagħżlu li jlestu l-maskri tagħhom id-dar billi jużaw tutorial bil-vidjow ipprovdut.

Ingħaqad magħna f’waħda mid-dati skedati għal vjaġġ artistiku indimentikabbli. L-ispazji huma limitati għal 20 parteċipant għal kull sessjoni, għalhekk assigura l-post tiegħek illum u kun parti minn din it-tradizzjoni eċċitanti tal-Karnival!

Cast and Creative Team

Concept and Direction: Emilie Weisse

Artists: Lily Schlinker and Janick Kremer

Set and Book: Rianne van Duin

Light Design: Wouter Moscou

Costumes: Heidi de Raad

Scientific Advise: Sabine Hunnius (Baby & Child Research Center • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)