Carnival Workshop: Papier-Mâché Mask Workshop
Age: 5-7
Tuesday 4th March, 10:00 (fully booked)
⚠️ Important Ticket Information ⚠️
- Children up to 12 years old must purchase a children’s ticket (€5).
- Anyone aged 13 and above (including adults) must purchase an adult ticket (€8).
- Children must be accompanied by an adult (18+) at all times.
🚨 Tickets purchased incorrectly may not be valid for entry. Please ensure you select the correct ticket type before completing your purchase. 🚨
2 hours
Spazju Kreattiv
Children €5

Experience the Art of Carnival with Our Papier-Mâché Mask Workshop!
Dive into the world of creativity and craftsmanship with our Carnival Masks: Papier-Mâché Creation workshop. Designed for participants of all ages (with a guardian for younger creators), this hands-on session guides you through the enchanting process of mask-making at four engaging stations: sculpting with clay or gablo, layering papier-mâché, trimming for a perfect finish, and decorating with vibrant paints and embellishments.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned artist, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to unleash your creativity and craft a personalized carnival mask. For added flexibility, participants can opt to complete their masks at home using a provided video tutorial.
Join us on one of the scheduled dates for an unforgettable artistic journey. Spaces are limited to 20 participants per session, so secure your spot today and be part of this exciting Carnival tradition!

“Esperjenza l-Arti tal-Karnival bil-Workshop Tagħna tal-Maskri tal-Kartapesta!
Idħol fid-dinja kreattività u tas-sengħa tal-Maskri tagħna tal-Karnival: Ħolqien bil-Kartapesta. Iddiżinjat għal parteċipanti ta’ kull età (bi gwardjan għal parteċipant iżgħar), din is-sessjoni prattika tiggwidak matul il-proċess meraviljuż tal-ħolqien tal-maskri f’erba’ stadji interessanti: skultura bit-tafal jew ġablo, saffi tal-kartapesta, tirqim għal finitura perfetta u dekorazzjoni b’żebgħa vibranti u tiżjin.
Kemm jekk int artist emerġenti jew artist b’esperjenza, dan il-workshop joffri opportunità unika biex toħroġ il-kreattività tiegħek u tfassal maskra tal-karnival personalizzata. Għal aktar flessibilità, l-parteċipanti jistgħu jagħżlu li jlestu l-maskri tagħhom id-dar billi jużaw tutorial bil-vidjow ipprovdut.
Ingħaqad magħna f’ waħda mid-dati skedati għal vjaġġ artistiku indimentikabbli. L-ispazji huma limitati għal 20 parteċipant f’ kull sessjoni, għalhekk assigura l-post tiegħek illum u kun parti minn din it-tradizzjoni eċċitanti tal-Karnival!”
Cast and Creative Team
Workshop Leader: Ryan Galea