Chasing Rainbows

Age: 0-2

Friday 18th  April at 18:30
Saturday 19th April 2025 at 10:30 and 16:30 
Sunday 20th April 2024 at 10:30 and 12:30

⚠️ Important Ticket Information ⚠️

    • Children up to 12 years old must purchase a children’s ticket (€5).
    • Anyone aged 13 and above (including adults) must purchase an adult ticket (€8).
    • Children must be accompanied by an adult (18+) at all times.

🚨 Tickets purchased incorrectly may not be valid for entry. Please ensure you select the correct ticket type before completing your purchase. 🚨


45 minutes


Studio A, Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5

Step into a world of enchantment with Chasing Rainbows a unique theatre production specially designed for the a young audience. This immersive journey invites your babies and toddlers to discover the magic of colours through a giant, interactive book.

The story follows Georgie, a non-verbal friend who, like babies, experiences the world in vivid hues. Alongside Ryan, an energetic and cheeky explorer, they stumble upon a giant book filled with black-and-white pages, resembling a playable piano carpet. As they turn the pages, the world transforms into a kaleidoscope of colours, each revealing a new and exciting part of their adventure.

Idħol f’dinja tas-seħer hekk kif nippreżentaw Chasing Rainbows produzzjoni teatrali unika maħluqa speċjalment għall-aktar membri ċkejknin tal-udjenza tagħna. Huwa vjaġġ immersiv li jistieden lit-trabi u t-tfal żgħar għal avventura biex jiskopru l-maġija tal-ilwien permezz ta’ ktieb enormi u interattiv.

L-istorja ssegwi lil Georgie, persuna li ma titkellimx li, bħat-trabi, tesperjenza d-dinja f’ilwien vivaċi. Hija tissieħeb ma’ Ryan, esploratur enerġetiku u mqareb, u flimkien jiskopru ktieb enormi b’paġni bl-iswed u l-abjad, li jixbah tapit bin-noti tal-pjanu li jistgħu jindaqqu. Hekk kif jeqilbu l-paġni, d-dinja tinbidel f’kaleidoscope ta’ kuluri, b’kull waħda tikxef parti ġdida u eċċitanti mill-vjaġġ tagħhom.

Cast and Creative Team

Script – Ryan Galea
Director – Joseph Galea
Performer – Maria Galea
Set & Prop Designer – Philip Taliana
Music – Albert Garzia
Light Design – Fabio Mifsud