Club Origami

Age: 2 – 4

General Public shows:

Saturday 8th April 2023 at 11:00 and 17:00

Sunday 9th April 2023 at 11:00 (sensory-friendly show) and 13:00


Performing Arts

45 mins


Studio A

Adults €8
Children €5

Shall we see what we can make with a single square of paper?

As you scrunch the paper, see how your imagination begins to dance…

Dive into the magical world of Club Origami, an immersive and interactive dance show inviting family audiences to create, imagine and explore whole new ways of thinking, playing and moving. Dance, fashion and live music meet the magic of origami to sweep us up on a spirited and inspiring adventure in a land made purely of paper and play.


“This imaginative stage show is ripping fun for under-fives, who will be mesmerised by the paper birds and monsters.” – The Guardian

Tridu naraw x’nistgħu noħolqu bi kwadru wieħed ta’ karta?

Waqt li tgħaffeġ il-karta, ara kif l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek tibda tiġri bik …

Idħol fid-dinja maġika ta’ Club Origami, spettaklu taż-żfin immersiv u interattiv li jistieden lill-familji fl-udjenza joħolqu, jimmaġinaw u jesploraw modi kompletament ġodda kif jaħsbu, jilagħbu u jiċċaqalqu. Żfin, moda, u mużika diretta jiltaqgħu mal-maġija tal-origami sabiex joħduna għal avventura bi spirtu u ispiranti f’post magħmul biss mill-karti u l-logħob.

Cast and Creative Team

Producer: Takeshi Matsumoto

Concept: Seven Circles

Created by: Makiko Aoyama, Robert Howat & Takeshi Matsumoto

Music: Robert Howat

Dramaturg: Lou Cope

Mentor: Rosie Heafford

Set and Lighting Design: Ben Pacey

Costume Design: Giulia Scrimieri

Costume Maker: Hania Kosewicz

Commissioned and produced by Little Big Dance led by South East Dance in partnership with DanceEast, Take Art & Yorkshire Dance.

Co-commissioned by Birmingham Hippodrome, Dance Umbrella, Strike-a-light & Spark Arts.