Kids Dig Science - Dinosaurs
Age: 8+
- Saturday 17th May 2025 at 5pm
⚠️ Important Ticket Information ⚠️
- Children up to 12 years old must purchase a children’s ticket (€5).
- Anyone aged 13 and above (including adults) must purchase an adult ticket (€8).
- Children must be accompanied by an adult (18+) at all times.
🚨 Tickets purchased incorrectly may not be valid for entry. Please ensure you select the correct ticket type before completing your purchase. 🚨
90 minutes
Studio B, Spazju Kreattiv
Adults €8
Children €5

Get ready for an exciting new season of Kids Dig Science! This year, we’re diving into the fascinating worlds of genetics, artificial intelligence and robotics, and dinosaurs. Each topic will come to life through a comical and interactive puppet show, designed to ignite curiosity and inspire young minds. Through this fun-filled performance, kids will explore scientific concepts and help solve challenges alongside our puppet friends. This show promises to entertain and educate, sparking a love for science in all who attend.
This show is a journey of exploration through the vast eons they ruled the world, the immense diversity within this clade, and where to find their living descendants. Audiences will be able to see real dinosaur fossils during the show.

Lesti ruħek għal staġun eċċitanti ġdid ta’ Kids Dig Science! Din is-sena, se nesploraw id-dinja affaxxinanti tal-ġenetika, l-intelliġenza artifiċjali u r-robotika, u d-dinosawri. Kull suġġett se jieħu l-ħajja permezz ta’ spettaklu tal-pupazzi komiku u interattiv, li huwa mfassal biex iqanqal il-kurżità u jispira l-imħuħ tat-tfal. Permezz ta’ dan l-ispettaklu divertenti, it-tfal se jesploraw kunċetti xjentifiċi u jgħinu biex isolvu sfidi flimkien mal-pupazzi ħbieb tagħna. Dan l-ispettaklu jidher li se jkun wieħed divertenti u edukattiv, filwaqt li se jqanqal imħabba għax-xjenza f’dawk kollha li se jattendu.
Dan l-ispettaklu huwa vjaġġ ta’ esplorazzjoni tal-perjodi twal ta’ żmien fejn kienu jaħkmu d-dinja, id-diversità enormi ta’ dan il-grupp, u fejn tista’ ssib id-dixxendenti ħajjin tagħhom. L-udjenzi se jkunu jistgħu jaraw fossili tad-dinosawri ta’ vera matul l-ispettaklu.
Cast and Creative Team
Script: Sean Briffa
Performers: Sean Briffa & Marjann Attard