Kish Kush
Age: 5+
Saturday 29th March 2025 at 11am and 5pm
⚠️ Important Ticket Information ⚠️
- Children up to 12 years old must purchase a children’s ticket (€5).
- Anyone aged 13 and above (including adults) must purchase an adult ticket (€8).
- Children must be accompanied by an adult (18+) at all times.
🚨 Tickets purchased incorrectly may not be valid for entry. Please ensure you select the correct ticket type before completing your purchase. 🚨
50 minutes
Theatre, Spazju Kreattiv
Adults €8
Children €5

Kish Kush traces the journey of two characters as they progress from solitude to connectedness. Separated by a three-foot high paper wall bisecting the space, with the audience sitting in the round with only a partial view of the stage, the performers face the universal theme of cultural and linguistic differences. One speaks English, the other a mix of Hebrew and Arabic.Through the manipulation of symbolic objects, shadow games and sounds, they gradually come into contact and get to know each other, finally tearing apart the delicate wall and emerging more accepting and trusting. At turns humorous and profound, challenging yet hopeful, Kish Kush offers a unique and eloquent portrayal of diversity.
“A well-considered vision of how people meet each other, how communication works and what obstacles are involved.” Theaterkrant

Kish Kush jesplora l-vjaġġ ta’ żewġ karattri hekk kif mis-solitudni jgħaddu għal sens ta’ konnessjoni. L-artisti, li se jkunu separati b’ħajt tal-karti għoli tliet piedi li jaqsam l-ispazju, bl-udjenza bilqiegħda fin-nofs li se tkun tista’ tara biss parti mill-palk, se jiffaċċjaw it-tema universali tad-differenzi kulturali u lingwistiċi. Wieħed jitkellem bl-Ingliż, l-ieħor taħlita ta’ Ebrajk u Għarbi. Bil-manipulazzjoni ta’ oġġetti simboliċi, logħob bid-dellijiet u ħsejjes, jibdew jiġu f’kuntatt bil-mod il-mod u jsiru jafu lil xulxin, u finalment iqattgħu il-ħajt delikat u joħorġu minn warajh b’mod li jkunu jaċċettaw u jafdaw aktar lil dak li jkun. Kish Kush, spettaklu xi kultant umoristiku u profond, ta’ sfida iżda wkoll mimli tama, joffri stampa unika u elokwenti tad-diversità.
“Viżjoni meqjusa bir-reqqa ta’ kif in-nies jiltaqgħu, ta’ kif taħdem il-komunikazzjoni u ta’ x’ostakli jeżistu.” Theaterkrant
Cast and Creative Team
Creator and Director: Daniel Gol
Assistant Director: Laura Marchegiani
Performers: Giuseppe Palesciano and Ettore Chiummo