Little Moods

Age: 0-2

Friday 11th February 2022 at 18:30
Saturday 12th February 2022 at 11:00
Saturday 12th February 2022 at 17:00
Sunday 13th February 2022 at 11:00
Sunday 13th February 2022 at 17:00

One child ticket includes admittance of one accompanying guardian. Any other accompanying guardian will need to purchase a normal adult ticket.

Storytelling / Interactivity / Fantasy

30 mins


Studio A

Adults 8 Euros Children and Babies 5 Euros

Little Moods is a thirty minutes interactive theatrical show where the audience with the help of the cast will experience four major emotions; excitement, relaxation, sadness/fear and happiness. The story evolves around a girl, Georgie who is leading the plot with her innocence. Georgie doesn’t speak much, but the talking part will be in hands of another two characters, Ryan and Martina who will walk along with Georgie through out the entire course of the story. Their special friendship, the interaction with the audience and the technical effects used will create an engaging experience which the target audience will surely relish.

Little Moods hija produzzjoni teatrali interattiva fejn l-udjenza, bl-għajnuna tal-kast ser tkun qed tiġi esposta għal erbgħa emozzjonijiet prinċipali; l-eċitatment, ir-rilassament, id-dwejjeq/bizà u fuq kollox il-ferħ. L-istorja iddur ma’ tifla ċkejkna, Georgie li l-innoċenza tagħha ser tkun il-protagonista ta’ din l-istorja. Georgie hija tifla ta’ ftit kliem, pero jpattu għaliha nsibu żewg karattri oħra, Ryan u Martina li ser jkunu qed jimxu il-perkors tal-istorja mal-protagonista tagħna. Din il-ħbiberija sinċiera, l-interazzjoni ma’ l-udjenza, flimkien ma’ effetti viżwali u awdjoviżivi ser jigarantixxu esperjenza sabiħa li l-udjenza tagħna ser jibqgħu jiftakru.

Cast & Crew: Joseph Galea
Alex Vella Gregory
Ryan Mark Debattista
Maria Galea Farrugia
Martina Galea Loffreda

Event Tickets

Health Authority Guidlines
All ticket holders above the age of 12 need to present a vaccination certificate together with an ID card.
Children under the age of 12 years need not have a test result so long as they are accompanied
by a parent/guardian who is in possession of a valid COVID-19 vaccine certificate.
Pregnant persons need to present a certificate from a medical practitioner and a negative rapid test done 24 hours before the event or a negative PCR test done within 72 hours from the start of the event.
All patrons should be wearing a mask throughout the performance/activity.
Organisers shall have the right of refusal of entry if a patron if visibly unwell.
Entrance to all venues is subject to temperature checks. Any person registering a higher temperature then 37.2 degrees Celsius will be denied access.
Unattended Children Policy
To ensure the safest environment for our young audiences Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ does not allow children to be left unattended during any performance or activity. Guardiansshould always be present before, during and after an event.
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