luzAzul, An Opera for babies

Age: 0-2

  • Saturday 16th November at 10:00 
  • Saturday 16th November at 11:30 (sold out)
  • Saturday 16th November at 15:00 
  • Saturday 16th November at 16:30
  • Sunday 17th November at 10:00 (sold out)
  • Sunday 17th November at 11:30 (sold out)
  • Sunday 17th November at 15:00
  • Sunday 17th November at 16:30


30 minutes

Non Verbal (a mix of English, Spanish and French)

Valletta Campus Theatre, Valletta

Adults €8
Children €5

Experience luzAzul an immersive opera designed especially for babies and their caregivers. This enchanting show will have you exploring the magic of symmetry, emotions, and connection through a blend of music, dance, and interactive elements.

In luzAzul two performers will guide you and your little one through a journey of discovery and bonding. The performance invites babies to play, make sounds, and interact, with their actions becoming part of the music and story. As the performers sing and move, they encourage your baby to join in, creating a truly shared experience.

This opera is a wonderful way for your tiny tot to experience the joy of music and movement while strengthening the connection between you and your baby.

Esperjenza luzAzul, opera immersiva magħmula għat-trabi dawk li jieħdu ħsiebhom. Din il-prestazzjoni tesplora l-maġija tas-simmetrija, l-emozzjonijiet u l-konnessjoni b’taħlita mħallta ta’ mużika, żfin u elementi oħra interattivi.

F’luzAzul, żewġ artisti jaqsmu ġrajja ta’ esplorazzjoni u konnessjoni, u jistiednu lill-udjenza biex tilgħab, tinteraġixxi u tagħmel ħsejjes. Il-ħsejjes u l-movimenti tat-trabi jsiru integrati kemm fil-mużika kif ukoll fir-rakkont tal-istorja: hekk kif l-artisti jkantaw u jiċċaqalqu, huma jistiednu lill-udjenza biex timita, timprovizza u toħloq magħhom.

Din l-opra taħt ħlejja hija esperjenza mill-isbaħ għat-tfal żgħar biex jesperjenzaw il-ferħ tal-mużika u l-moviment filwaqt li ssaħħaħ il-konnessjoni bejnek u bejn it-tarbija tiegħek.

Cast and Creative Team

Malena Dayen – Stage director & design
David Rosenmeyer – Composer
Troy Ogilvie – Choreographer
Sangmin Chae – Tech Designer
Samarie Alicea, Sam Ogilvie – Performers