
Age: 0 – 2

  • Friday 25th November 2022 | 16:30
  • Saturday 26th November 2022 | 9:30, 11:30, 16:30
  • Sunday 27th November 2022 | 9:30, 16:30, 18:00


30 Minutes


Manoel Theatre Studio

Adults €8
Children €5

Manta is specifically aimed at the very youngest from 4 to 24 months, yet it is a pleasure and delight for the senses of both the young and old. Manta transforms into a poetic dance with 3 musicians.

Klankennest was inspired by the special visual presence and movements of the giant Manta ray from the ocean. With glass art, wood and textiles, the installation took shape. The music is based on old and contemporary music combined with polyrhythmic compositions. This goes hand in hand with improvisations in and with the installation and the audience. Repetition and repetitive elements form the basis for this journey.

The installation is a safe, secure environment that invites exploration, wonder and play.

Manta hija speċifikament immirata lejn l-iżgħar tfal minn 4 sa 24 xahar, iżda xorta waħda huwa gost għas-sensi taż-żgħar u l-kbar.

Manta tinbidel f’żifna poetika bi tliet mużiċisti.Klankennest huwa ispirat minn preżenza u movimenti viżivi speċjali tal-Manta ray ġganteska mill-oċean. B’arti bil-ħġieġ, bl-injam u t-tessuti, l-installazzjoni tieħu l-forma tagħha. Il-mużika hija bbażata fuq mużika antika u kontemporanja kkombinata ma’ kompożizzjonijiet poliritmiċi. Dan jimxi id f’id mal-improviżazzjonijiet fi u mal-installazzjoni u l-udjenza. Ir-repetizzjoni u elementi ripetittivi jiffurmaw il-bażi għal dan il-vjaġġ.

L-installazzjoni hija ambjent sikur u sigur li jistiednek biex tesplora, taffaxxina ruħek u tilgħab.

Cast and Creative Team

Voice and Artistic Leader | Liesbeth Bodyn

Scenography and Technical Coordinator | Jeroen Van der Fraenen

Cello and Voice | Corentin Delicour

Percussions and Voice | Kaja Farszky

Musical Composition| Tine Allegaert, Rebecca Van Bogaert, Indré Jurguleviciute

Movement Coach | Tchi-ann Liu

Stained Glass Art | Atelier Mestdagh / Ingrid Meyvaert

Co-production | Nova Villa (France) – Het Lab CCHA (Hasselt) at Rotondes (Luxembourg)