Matthew Bourne’s Nutcracker

Certification: 11+

  • Friday 18th November 2022 | 18:00
  • Sunday 20th November2022 | 18:30


90 minutes


Spazju Kreattiv Cinema

Adults €7
Children €5

Matthew Bourne’s Nutcracker will be our eighth collaboration with Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures, following on from previous cinema releases including Romeo + Juliet, Swan Lake and The Red Shoes. The 30th Anniversary newly designed and re-imagined production features Matthew Bourne’s trademark wit, pathos and magical fantasy. 

This is a Nutcracker for all seasons! Follow Clara’s bittersweet journey from a darkly comic Christmas Eve at Dr. Dross’ Orphanage, through a shimmering, ice-skating winter wonderland to the scrumptious candy kingdom of Sweetieland, influenced by the lavish Hollywood musicals of the 1930s.

Tchaikovsky’s glorious score and Anthony Ward’s newly-refreshed delectable sets and costumes, combine with Bourne’s dazzling choreography to create a fresh and charmingly irreverent interpretation of the classic. Expect a sprinkling of delicious new surprises in this reinvented production, coming to cinemas in November.

Matthew Bourne’s Nutcracker se tkun it-tmien kollaborazzjoni tagħna mal-Avventuri l-Ġodda ta’ Matthew Bourne, li ssegwi l-ħarġiet ċinematografiċi preċedenti inkluż Romeo + Juliet, Swan Lake u The Red Shoes. Il-produzzjoni ddisinjata u immaġinata mill-ġdid tat-30 Anniversarju tinkludi l-intelliġenza, id-dwejjaq u l-fantasija maġika li hija karatteristika ta’ Matthew Bourne.

Dan huwa isegwi l-vjaġġ ta’ Clara li jqanqal kemm pjaċir kif ukoll dwejjaq minn Lejliet Milied komiku morbuż fl-Orfanotrofju ta’ Dr Dross, minn dinja xitwija u tleqq, mimlija affarijiet sbieħ fejn in-nies jiġru bil-pattini tas-silġ sa renju delizzjuż tal-ħelu jismu Sweetieland, influwenzat mill-produzzjonijiet mużikali lussużi ta’ Hollywood ta’ żmien is-snin 30.

Il-mużika glorjuża ta’ Tchaikovsky u x-xeni u l-kostumi bellezza ta’ Anthony Ward li ġew restawrati mill-ġdid, huma kkombinati mal-koreografija straordinarja ta’ Bourne biex tinħoloq interpretazzjoni ġdida fjamanta u insolenti b’mod kariżmatiku tal-istorja klassika. Wieħed għandu jistenna traxxix ta’ sorpriżi ġodda delizzjużi f’din il-produzzjoni vvintata mill-ġdid, li se tkun qed tidher fit-tokis f’Novembru.

Cast and Creative Team

Director and Choreographer: Sir Matthew Bourne OBE

Designer: Anthony Ward

Lighting Designer: Howard Harrison

Composer: Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky

Sound Designer: Paul Groothuis

Projection Designer: Ducan Mc Lean

Musical Associate / Orchestral Arrangements: Rowland Lee

Co-Divisor Original Scenario: Martin Duncan

Music Director: Brett Morris

Associate Director: Etta Murfitt MBE