Age: 0 – 2

11th November 2023 • 09:15*, 10:45*, 12:15*

12th November 2023 • 09:15*, 10:45*, 12:15*

        *Sensory Friendly Performances


30 mins


Studio Theatre, Teatru Manoel

Adults €8
Children €5

MEET ME A TREE is an interactive first opera for 0-2 year olds and their guardians with music by Schumann, Delibes and Handel as well as words and music created by the company. HurlyBurly invites you and your baby on a multisensory journey through a year in the life of a tree: singing with blackbirds, marching through fallen leaves, smelling new blossoms and feeling the wind on your cheeks. With beautiful singing and relaxing music at its core, Meet Me a Tree is an opportunity to unwind and have fun for new parents, carers and babies. Let me meet you a tree. What can you see beneath the blue sky as summer floats by?

MEET ME A TREE hija l-ewwel opera interattiva għal tfal li għandhom bejn 0 u sentejn u l-kustodji tagħhom b’mużika minn Schumann, Delibes u Handel kif ukoll kliem u mużika maħluqa mill-kumpanija. HurlyBurly jistieden lilek u lit- tarbija tiegħek fuq vjaġġ multisensorju matul sena mill-ħajja ta’ siġra: kant ma’ malvizzi suwed, mixjiet qalb weraq li waqgħu, xamm ta’ fjuri ġodda u ħass tar-riħ fuq ħaddejk. B’kant sabiħ u mużika rilassanti fil-qalba tagħha, Meet Me A Tree hija opportunità għal ġenituri ġodda, indokraturi u trabi biex jirrilassaw u jieħdu gost. Ħallini nlaqqgħek ma’ siġra. X’tista’ tara taħt is-sema blu waqt li s-sajf għaddej?

Cast and Creative Team

Sarah Forbes
Catherine Carter
Suzie Shrubb

Creators • Sarah Forbes and Catherine Carter
Musician • Suzie Shrubb
Design • Kirsty Harris
Original Words and Music • Catherine Carter
Associate Direction and Dramaturgy • Zoe Palmer
Movement Coach • Philip Alexander Macdonald
Early Years Theatre Mentor • Jo Belloli
Outside Eye and Photography • Miriam Sherwood
Musical Associate • Suzie Shrubb, Jenny Gould and Suzy Ruffles
Creative Production • Rachel Barnet