Mitluf Misjub

Age: 8+

  • Friday 25th November 2022 | 19:30
  • Saturday 26th November 2022 | 10:00, 18:00
  • Sunday 27th November 2022 | 12:30


45 minutes


San Gorg Preca College, Valletta Primary School

Adults €8
Children €5

Mitluf Misjub is a story about how everyone needs a friend. Someone to work things through with, to share thoughts, or even just lunch during breaks. Unfortunately, Florence (aka Flo) hasn’t been so lucky in that department. Desperate to find that special someone, Flo denies the parts of herself she deems uncool, hiding away her books and crochet plushies in the basement, and replaces them with new, cooler hobbies her potential friends have. And it works! At first… But being someone you’re not is a losing game… and a voice inside Flo’s head doesn’t like it one bit. One dark night, an exhausted Flo needs familiar comforts. So, she returns to the basement to retrieve her treasures. That’s when a new reflection appears in her mirror and pulls Flo in! The mirror is a magic portal into her own mind. There, she must face her scariest thoughts and feelings. Oh, and make it out in one piece, ready for her new school’s talent show.

Mitluf Misjub hija storja dwar kif kulħadd bzonn il-ħbieb. Xi ħadd ma’ min nistg]u niftħu qalbna, naqsmu ħsibijietna, imqar pranzu fil-brejk. Flo ma kinitx xortiha tajba f’dad-dipartiment. Ħerqana biex tintgħoġob iktar mit-tfal ġodda, Flo tibda tibdel lilha nnifisha skont dak li taħseb li jħobbu u ma jħobbux huma. Flo tiċħad lilha nnifisha, taħbi l-kotba tagħha u l-pupi tal-ganċ fil-kantina, u tibdilhom b’passatempi ġodda, iktar faqgħa, bħalma għandu ħaddieħor. Il-pjan jaħdem! Għall-bidu… Imma m’hemmx logħba iktar telliefa minn meta tipprova tkun xi ħadd li m’intix. U l-leħen f’ras Flo mhu qed jogħġobha xejn. Lejl minnhom, meta tiġi lura d-dar eżawrita mill-isforzi soċjali, Flo tinżel fil-kantina tfittex it-teżori familjari tagħha. F’daqqa waħda, riflessjoni ġdida tfeġġ fil-mera u tiġbed lil Flo ġo fiha! Il-mera hija daħla maġika f’moħħha stess. Hemmhekk, Flo trid taffaċċja l-iktar ħsibijiet u emozzjonijiet tal-biża’ tagħha, kif ukoll toħrog f’biċċa waħda, lesta għat-talent show tal-iskola l-ġdida tagħha.

Cast and Creative Team

Writer and Producer: Cassi Camilleri

Director: Vikesh Godhwani

Production and  Stage Manager: Ann-Marie Camilleri

Production Designer: Francesca Mercieca

Lighting Designer: Moritz Zavan Stoeckle.

Sound Designer and Composer: Yasmin Kuymizakis

Paula Zammit Mintoff

James Azzopardi Meli 

Rochelle Gatt
Christine Francalanza