Princess Hemiola and the Enchanting Rhythms

Age: 8-10

  • Friday 15th November at 17:00
  • Saturday 16th November at 15:00 (sold out)

  • Saturday 16th November at 16:30

  • Sunday 17th November at 10:30 (Sensory Friendly)

  • Sunday 17th November at 12:00

Physical Theatre, Dance, Music

30 minutes

Maltese and English

Studio Theatre, Teatru Manoel, Valletta

Adults €8
Children €5

Join TOI TOI and the ŻiguŻajg Festival 2024 for Princess Hemiola & the Enchanting Rhythms an exciting adventure that breaks the mould.

Princess Hemiola is bored with her dull surroundings and longs for something more thrilling. Enter Ritmio, a boy with a magical guitar that’s anything but ordinary!

Guided by Clare Ghigo, this captivating story features music by Purcell, Handel, Bach, Marin, Caccini, and Romero, all set to vibrant and lively flamenco rhythms.

Get ready for a musical journey full of energy and wonder!

Ingħaqad ma’ TOI TOI u ŻiguŻajg Festival 2024 għal Princess Hemiola & the Enchanting Rhythms.

Il-ġrajja tagħna mhijiex waħda sempliċi, hekk kif il-Prinċipessa Hemiola xebgħet għal kollox bl-ambjenti monotoni madwarha u trid tiskopri ambjenti aktar eċċitanti. Niltaqgħu ma’ Ritmio, tifel bid-don tad-daqq tal-kitarra, u li saħansitra għandu kitarra maġika!

Clare Ghigo tmexxi l-ġrajja tagħna, li tinkludi mużika minn Purcell, Handel, Bach, Marin, Caccini, u Romero, kollha msejsa fuq ritmi vibranti u vivaċi tal-flamenco.

Lestu għal vjaġġ mużikali mimli enerġija!

Cast and Creative Team

 Clare Ghigo – Director & Writer Performers