Put your heart into it
Age: 5-7
Saturday 16th November at 11:30
Saturday 16th November at 17:00 (Sensory Friendly Show)
Saturday 16th November at 18:30
Sunday 17th November at 10:00
Sunday 17th November at 11:45
Sunday 17th November at 17:00
50 minutes
Non Verbal
Studio B, Spazju Kreattiv, Malta
Adults €8
Children €5

Enter a world of wonder with Put Your Heart Into It, a delightful and enchanting puppet show designed to captivate your young hearts. Without words, just the magic of music, gentle expressions, and warm smiles, this show brings everyday objects to life in the most charming way.
Watch as the talented actress, with a touch of sweetness and shyness, transforms puppets and objects into loveable characters that will spark your child’s imagination with joy.
This elegant and poetic cabaret-style performance is perfect for families, inviting you to smile, dream, and rediscover the beauty in life’s simplest moments. Put Your Heart Into It is a heartwarming experience that will leave your little ones inspired and full of wonder.

Ingħaqad magħna fid-dinja ta’ Put Your Heart Into It, li huwa spettaklu komiku u poetiku fl-istil ta’ “cabaret” bil-pupazzi. Bi ħlewwa u b’ċerta mistħija, l-attriċi se tagħti ħajja lil pupazzi u oġġetti, u teqlibhom f’karattri ħelwin u simpatiċi.
Din il-prestazzjoni hija perfetta għall-familji, u tistiednek titbissem, toħlom, u tiskopri mill-ġdid is-sbuħija fl-aktar mumenti sempliċi tal-ħajja. Put Your Heart Into It hija esperjenza li tqawwi l-qalb u tħalli liċ-ċkejknin ispirati u mimlijin b’meravilja.
Cast and Creative Team
Pamela Mastrorosa – Director and Puppeteer