
Age: 2 – 4

  • Sunday 5th February 2023 at 11 am


25 mins


Cinema at Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5

Superworm is super-long and super-strong, and is always saving the day. But who can save him when he gets too full of himself and is captured by the evil Wizard Lizard?

Superworm is a wonderfully unlikely comic hero. He’s a long, strong worm with amazing skills and a big heart who keeps on saving the day. Butterfly has been Superworm’s best friends since he was small, and she was a caterpillar. They love helping the other garden animals: they save the baby toad from a major road, they entertain bored bees, rescue a beetle. It seems there’s no end to Superworm’s skills but he begins to get a bit too full of himself and he starts to ignore his friend.

When the evil Wizard Lizard hears of Superworm’s powers he sends his servant, Crow, to kidnap him. Then he forces Superworm to burrow underground looking for treasure. Butterfly hatches a plan with the other garden creatures to save Superworm, trapping Wizard Lizard and dumping him on the rubbish heap! All of the animals celebrate Superworm’s return and Butterfly forgives Superworm for his big headedness. The pair are reunited as friends.

Superworm huwa twil ħafna u b’saħħtu ħafna, u dejjem isalva l-ġurnata. Iżda min jista’ jsalvah meta jsir wisq prużuntuż u jiġi maqbud mill-kiefer Wizard Lizard?

Superworm huwa eroj mhux tas-soltu talkomiks. Huwa dudu twil u b’saħħtu b’ħiliet inkredibbli u b’qalb kbira u li dejjem isalva l-ġurnata. Butterfly ilha l-ikbar ħabiba ta’ Superworm minn meta hu kien żgħir, u hi kienet għadha xagħat. Huma jħobbu jgħinu annimali oħra tal-ġnien: isalvaw rospu żgħir minn triq prinċipali, jipprovdu sors ta’ divertiment għal żnażan imdejqin, u jsalvaw ħanfusa.

Meta l-kiefer Wizard Lizard jisma’ bil-poteri ta’ Superworm, huwa jibgħat lill-qaddej tiegħu, Crow, biex jaħtfu. Imbagħad, iġiegħel lil Superworm iħaffer taħt l-art biex isib it-teżori. Butterfly tifformola pjan mal-kreaturi tal-ġnien l-oħra biex issalva lil Superworm, filwaqt li taqbad lil Wizard Lizard u tarmih fuq munzell ta’ skart! L-annimali kollha jiċċelebraw ir-ritorn ta’ Superworm u Butterfly taħfer lil Superworm talli kien wisq prużuntuż. It-tnejn jerġgħu jingħaqdu ilkoll bħala ħbieb.

Cast and Creative Team

Based on the book written by Julia Donaldson & illustrated by Axel Scheffler

Directed by Jac Hamman & Sarah Scrimgeour

Starring Patricia Allison, Rob Brydon, Olivia Colman, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith & Matt Smith

Animation services by Blue Zoo


Magic Light Pictures 2021
Produced by Martin Pope & Barney Goodland