The Gruffalo
Age: 2 – 4
- Sunday 29th December 2024 at 11am
- Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 11am
⚠️ Important Ticket Information ⚠️
- Children up to 12 years old must purchase a children’s ticket (€5).
- Anyone aged 13 and above (including adults) must purchase an adult ticket (€8).
- Children must be accompanied by an adult (18+) at all times.
🚨 Tickets purchased incorrectly may not be valid for entry. Please ensure you select the correct ticket type before completing your purchase. 🚨
30 mins
Cinema at Spazju Kreattiv
Adults €8
Children €5

A half hour animated film based on the classic picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler.
The Gruffalo tells the magical tale of a mouse who takes a walk though the woods in search of a nut. Encountering three predators who all wish to eat him
– a fox, an owl and a snake.
The plucky Mouse has to use his wits to survive. He announces that he is meeting a monster with terrible features, a ‘Gruffalo’, and the three predators are each panicked into running away. Mouse is now increasingly confident. There is nothing that can touch him in these woods. Until he rounds a corner and comes face to face with the terrible product of his imagination: the Gruffalo itself. Once again Mouse has to dig deep to escape the danger. Finally, he finds a nut, and can eat it in peace.

Film animat ta’ nofs siegħa bbażat fuq il-ktieb bl-istampi klassiku miktub minn Julia Donaldson u illustrat minn Axel Scheffler.
The Gruffalo jirrakkonta l-istorja maġika ta’ ġurdien li jmur mixja fil-bosk biex ifittex ġewża. Hawn jiltaqa’ ma tliet predaturi li lkoll iridu jikluh.
– volpi, kokka, u serp.
Il-Ġurdien kuraġġuż ikollu juża moħħu biex isalva. Huwa jħabbar li se jiltaqa’ ma’ mostru b’dehra terribbli, ma’ “Gruffalo”, u t-tliet predaturi lkoll jaħarbu minnu mwerwrin. Issa l-Ġurdien huwa ħafna iktar kunfidenti. Ma hemm xejn li jista’ jweġġgħu f’dan il-bosk. Sakemm idur kantuniera u jsib ruħu wiċċ imb wiċċ mal-frott terribbli tal-immaġinazzjoni tiegħu: il-Gruffalo nnifsu. Għal darb’oħra l-Ġurdien ikollu jaħdem ġmielu biex jaħrab il-periklu. Fl-aħħar, huwa jsib ġewża, u jkun jista’ jikolha fil-paċi.
Cast and Creative Team
Directed by Jakob Schuh & Max Lang
Based on the book The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
& Axel Scheffler
Adapted byJulia Donaldson, Jakob Schuh & Max Lang
Music Composed by René Aubry
Voices of Helena Bonham Carter, Rob Brydon, Robbie Coltrane, James Corden, John Hurt & Tom Wilkinson
Magic Light Pictures present an Orange Eyes Production in association with Studio Soi
Produced by Michael Rose & Martin Pope | Co-Producer: Carsten Bunte Production
Manager: Sabrina Schmid Associate | Producer: Daryl Shute
Orange Eyes Limited 2009