Trouser Girl: An Opera for Young Audiences
Age: 8+
11th November 2023 • 16:30
12th November 2023 • 16:30, 18:15*
*Sensory Friendly Performances
60 Mins
Studio Theatre, Teatru Manoel
Adults €8
Children €5
TROUSER GIRL is an opera designed for children. Lukey’s girlfriend, Chris, happens to be the superhero Raybeam, possessing the unique ability to blow things up with her eyes. Initially, Lukey finds this cool, but he becomes increasingly frustrated as Chris is frequently away, saving the world from destruction, leaving him with minimal time together. To make things worse, Chris’s best friend Danny, also known as the super-awesome Transformo, is constantly at her side. Lukey, an ordinary guy without superpowers, can’t help but feel jealous. When Chris unexpectedly cancels their six-month anniversary dinner, Lukey devises a daring plan. After quickly rummaging through his mother’s laundry basket, he transforms into the superhero Trouser Girl. Under this disguise, he joins Raybeam and Transformo on their latest adventure, determined to discover what they do during their heroic escapades.
TROUSER GIRL hija opera mfassla għat-tfal. Jiġri li Chris, it-tfajla ta’ Lukey, hi s-supereroj Raybeam, li għandha l-abbiltà unika li tisplodi l-affarijiet b’għajnejha. Għall-bidu, Lukey jimpressjona ruħu, iżda maż-żmien jsir aktar frustrat minħabba li Chris tkun ta’ spiss ’il bogħod minnu, issalva d-dinja mill-qerda, u b’hekk, ma tantx ikollhom ħin flimkien. Biex tkompli tgħaxxaq, Danny, l-akbar ħabib ta’ Chris, magħruf ukoll bħala Transformo s-super-inkredibbli, huwa il- ħin kollu maġenbha. Lukey, ġuvni ordinarju mingħajr superpoteri, ma jistax ma jgħirx. Meta Chris, għall-għarrieda, tikkanċella l-ikla tas-sitt xhur anniversarju tagħhom, Lukey ifassal pjan kuraġġuż. Wara li ta’ malajr fittex fil-qoffa tal- ħwejjeġ ta’ ommu, jittrasforma fis-supereroj Trouser Girl. B’din l-identità l-ġdida, huwa jingħaqad ma’ Raybeam u Transformo fuq l-aħħar avventura tagħhom, determinat li jiskopri x’jagħmlu matul il-ħarbiet erojiċi tagħhom.
Cast and Creative Team
Giosue Agius
Bettina Zammit
Michela Agius
Daphne Camillieri
Creative Production (TOI TOI) • Kate Fenech Field
Script and Direction • Malcolm Galea
Music Arrangement • Veronique Vella
Stage Management (TOI TOI) • Nicole Sciberras
Set and Costumes • Teatru Manoel Team