We Are Not Islands

Age: 8 – 10

  • Friday 18th November 2022 | 12:00 – Sunday 27th November 2022 | 20:00


10 minutes

Non-Verbal (subtitles in English)


Family Ticket €7.00

We Are Not Islands is a piece of puppet theatre created for video with a clear aim to invite reflection and transformation. It presents viewers with the loneliness of an elderly character and their vital need to reunite with childhood at a time when lockdown has shattered the possibilities of meeting. The story’s development is a poetic journey full of metaphors that weave around this character to transmit dual narratives: of abandonment and hope, play and neglect, melancholy and happy endings. We Are Not Islands is inspired by the true story of Roberto Román, an elderly man from the city of Buenos Aires who dedicates his days to making little paper boats. Every day, he takes the boats in a cardboard box and sits down with them next to the gates of a local school.

We Are not Islands huwa biċċa xogħol ta’ teatru tal-marjonetti maħluq għall-vidjo b’għan ċar li jistieden għar-riflessjoni u t-trasformazzjoni. Huwa jippreżenta lill-udjenza bis-solitudni ta’ karattru anzjan u l-ħtieġa vitali tiegħu li jerġa’ jingħaqad mat-tfulija fi żmien meta l-lockdown kisser il-possibbiltajiet li jiltaqa’. L-iżvilupp tal-istorja huwa vjaġġ poetiku mimli metafori li aħna ndawru madwar dan il-karattru biex jiġu trażmessi narrattivi doppji: ta’ abbandun u tama, ta’ logħob u traskuraġni, ta’ melankonija u tmiem feliċi. We Are Not Islands ġie ispirat mill-istorja vera ta’ Roberto Román, raġel anzjan mill-Belt ta’ Buenos Aires li jqatta’ ħajtu jagħmel id-dgħajjes tal-karti. Kuljum huwa jieħu lid-dgħajjes f’kaxxa tal-kartun u joqgħod bilqiegħda ħdejhom biswit il-grada tal-iskola tal-post.

Cast and Creative Team

Author, Direction and Production: Elisa Vargas

Puppets, Set, Lighting and Animations: Iker Pérez

Puppetry: Ángela Cáceres and Iker Pérez

Music: Mariano L-Platas

Camera Operator: Laura Dafne

Editing: Arena en los bolsillos