When the Colours Ran Away

Age: 5 – 7

  • Friday 18th November 2022 | 12:00 – Sunday 27th November 2022 | 20:00


20 minutes



Family Ticket €7.00

When the Colours Ran Away is a digital storytelling piece about an exciting and most unexpected experience two eight-year-old children have during their trip to an Art Museum. Rumours about a painting with colours the likes of which they’ve never seen before has got them all the more excited. But once there, they notice something strange – the colours from the painting have all run away!

A digital performance, inspired by the paintings of Emily Carr, about two boys, errant colours and artworks imbued with life (literally!) commissioned by the Vancouver International Children’s Festival for their online edition in 2021.

When the Colours Ran Away hija biċċa rakkont diġitali dwar esperjenza eċċitanti u mill-aktar mhux mistennija li għandhom żewġt itfal ta’ tmien snin waqt il-vjaġġ tagħhom f’Mużew tal-Arti. L-għajdut dwar pittura b’kuluri li qatt ma rawhom qabbadhom aktar eċċitament. Imma ladarba jkunu hemm, jinnutaw xi ħaġa stramba – il-kuluri mill-pittura ħarbu kollha!

Prestazzjoni diġitali, ispirata mill-pitturi ta’ Emily Carr, dwar żewġ subien, kuluri erranti u xogħlijiet ta’ l-arti mimlija ħajja (litteralment!) ikkummissjonata mill-Festival Internazzjonali tat-Tfal ta’ Vancouver għall-edizzjoni online tagħhom fl-2021.

Cast and Creative Team

Writer and Director: C G Salamander

Producer: ThinkArts

Illustrator and Director: Sahitya Rani

Animator: Studio Chitrakoothu

Cinematographer and Editor: Anand R Krishnan

Actor and Storyteller: Kavya Srinivasan