ŻiguŻajg Art Jam
Age: 8 – 10
– Gabarrón | The Colours of Hope
*Saturday 19th November 2022: 11:00
*Thursday 24th November 2022: 11:00
*Saturday 10th December 2022: 11:00
– “What’chu Looking at? Who you Speaking with?” A Gazing all Round*Thursday 2nd March 2023: 9:30 & 11:30 (Schools)*Saturday 4th March 2023: 11:00 & 17:00 (General Public)
– When the Moon Waxes Red*Thursday 30th March 2023: 9:30 (Schools)*Saturday 1st April 2023: 11:00 & 17:00 (General Public)
– Transparencies of the Soul*Saturday 20th May 2023: 11:00 & 17:00 (General Public)
Art Workshops
2 hours
Adults €8
Children €5
Art Jam is a learning programme revolving around temporary exhibitions held at Spazju Kreattiv. Walking through the exhibitions, we will unpack the key themes in the work and learn about exhibition making from the artist to curation of the space. Taking inspiration from the exhibitions, we will think and make new works of art and discover more about ourselves in the process!
In collaboration with the Embassy of Spain in Malta
F’dan il-workshop, se nimxu fid-dinja ta’ Lucia Vallejo billi nesploraw il-wirja tagħha, Trasparencies of the Soul. Bl-istess mod li Valleja tespandi d-definizzjoni tal-pittura fix-xogħol tagħha, aħna wkoll naħsbu f’aktar ideat. Aħna se nespandu l-fehim tagħna tal-kanvas u l-streċer u nbiddlu l-pittura fi skultura!
Art Jam huwa programm ta’ tagħlim dwar wirjiet temporanji li ntwerew fi Spazju Kreattiv. F’mixja qalb il-wirjiet, se nidentifikaw it-temi ewlenin tax-xogħol u nitgħallmu dwar kif isiru l-wirjiet mill-artist sal-kuratura tal-ispazju. Filwaqt li nieħdu ispirazzjoni mill-wirjiet, se naħsbu u noħolqu xogħlijiet ġodda tal-arti u niskopru iktar dwarna nfusna fil-proċess!
B’kollaborazzjoni mal-Ambaxxata ta’ Spanja f’Malta
Creative Team
Workshop Leader: Anna Calleja