Kids Dig Science

Age: 8-10

School Shows:
– Friday 26th January 2024 at 9:30
– Friday 26th January 2024 at 11:30
– Friday 23rd February 2024 at 9:30
– Friday 23rd February 2024 at 11:30
– Friday 15th March 2024 at 9:30
– Friday 15th March 2024 at 11:30
– Friday 12th April 2024 at 9:30
– Friday 12th April 2024 at 11:30
– Friday 17th May 2024 at 9:30
– Friday 17th May 2024 at 11:30

        School shows don’t include a workshop

General Public Shows:
– Saturday 27th January 2024 at 15:00
– Saturday 24th February 2024 at 15:00
– Saturday 16th March 2024 at 15:00
– Saturday 13th April 2024 at 15:00
– Saturday 18th May 2024 at 15:00
– Saturday, 15th June 2024 at 15:00


The Rise of Energy Efficiency

In the far reaches of the galaxy, a once-vibrant planet finds itself in a state of near-darkness. Its inhabitants had unknowingly drained their energy resources with reckless consumption. The Eco-Rebel Alliance is called in to help. With guidance from engineers from Enemalta, they embark on a mission to teach the planet’s inhabitants about the importance of energy conservation, introducing them to ingenious methods they never knew existed. As the story unfolds, we witness the transformation of a wasteful society into energy-savvy citizens. The planet begins to slowly regain its light, all thanks to simple, everyday energy-saving practices. Every month offers a different scientific topic to explore, while each performance offers a whole new recipe made with a pinch of fantasy, heaps of science, and barrels of laughs. Followed of course by oodles of hands-on fun. The Malta Chamber of Scientists brings this project to you and is supported by EneMalta and Water Services.


The Wastewater Wizards

On the lush and vibrant planet of Purifos, the Eco-Rebels embarked on an adventure that would reveal an extraordinary and groundbreaking revelation—advanced water recycling systems that seemed nothing short of alchemy. Purifos, blessed with natural beauty and abundant water resources, was facing a growing dilemma of ensuring sustainable water usage in the face of an expanding population and increasing demands on their environment. Every month offers a different scientific topic to explore, while each performance offers a whole new recipe made with a pinch of fantasy, heaps of science, and barrels of laughs. Followed of course by oodles of hands-on fun. The Malta Chamber of Scientists brings this project to you and is supported by EneMalta and Water Services.


Guardians of the Green House

In a distant galaxy, the planet Atmos faces an environmental crisis with a smoky haze, rising temperatures, and erratic weather due to excessive greenhouse gases. The Eco-Rebel Alliance, with EneMalta’s scientists, steps in to educate Atmosians and collaborate in reducing emissions. Retrofitting factories, promoting public transport, and introducing carbon offsetting become their collective mission, highlighting the urgency to secure Atmos’ future. Every month offers a different scientific topic to explore, while each performance offers a whole new recipe made with a pinch of fantasy, heaps of science, and barrels of laughs. Followed of course by oodles of hands-on fun. The Malta Chamber of Scientists brings this project to you and is supported by EneMalta and Water Services.


Drip Detectives

In a peaceful town surrounded by nature’s beauty, an unsettling mystery was unfolding – water was vanishing mysteriously. The once-plentiful water sources were diminishing rapidly, causing concern among the townsfolk. Taking up the cause, the local Eco-rebels, a group of environmentally conscious youngsters, were determined to uncover the truth and educate their community about the importance of water conservation. Every month offers a different scientific topic to explore, while each performance offers a whole new recipe made with a pinch of fantasy, heaps of science, and barrels of laughs. Followed of course by oodles of hands-on fun. The Malta Chamber of Scientists brings this project to you and is supported by EneMalta and Water Services.


Electron Explorers: Understanding the Grid

Venturing into a distant sector of the galaxy, the Eco-Rebels set their sights on Gridon, a planet interlaced with a complex energy distribution network. Here, they delve into the fascinating workings of the energy grid, unraveling the journey of electricity as it traverses its way to power our homes. The Eco-Rebels also come to appreciate the paramount significance of maintaining grid stability, a linchpin in sustaining a reliable and efficient energy system. Every month offers a different scientific topic to explore, while each performance offers a whole new recipe made with a pinch of fantasy, heaps of science, and barrels of laughs. Followed of course by oodles of hands-on fun. The Malta Chamber of Scientists brings this project to you and is supported by EneMalta and Water Services.


Ocean Protectors: The Salty Challenge

In the idyllic coastal world of Marinus, where the vast, shimmering saltwater expanses seemed infinite, a pressing challenge was beginning to grip the attention of the inhabitants. Water, the essence of life, was mysteriously diminishing, and the once-plentiful saltwater sources showed signs of distress. Alarmed by this, the Eco-Rebels of Marinus, a group of young environmental enthusiasts, felt compelled to address this issue and educate their fellow citizens about water conservation and sustainable solutions. Every month offers a different scientific topic to explore, while each performance offers a whole new recipe made with a pinch of fantasy, heaps of science, and barrels of laughs. Followed of course by oodles of hands-on fun. The Malta Chamber of Scientists brings this project to you and is supported by EneMalta and Water Services.

Science and Theatre

General Public Shows - 2 hrs

School Shows - 1hr


Studio B, Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €6
Children €5
School Shows €5 per student

Kids Dig Science is coordinated by the Science in the City team at the Malta Chamber of Scientists. This season, the team will once again meet with the scientists to find out the latest in all things science, then cut it down to size for children. The series is conceived to inspire curious little minds, to ignite their passions and foster creativity. If you’re looking for a way to inspire your children, Kids Dig Science is a must. The simple and innovative way we approach each and every science subject, that is, with a comical, interactive puppet show followed by a hands on science workshop, means the kids get to learn important scientific facts while having fun. The audience are in for a blast this year with topics like flying, fractions and what it means to be a scientist. The team behind this successful series will need help from all the little creative minds to help their puppets solve the multitude of problems coming their way. As always, the next season of Kids Dig Science promises great things, are your kids up to the challenge?

Kids Dig Science huwa kkoordinat mit-tim ta’ Science in the City tal-Malta Chamber of Scientists. F’dan l-istaġun, it-tim se jerġa’ jiltaqa’ max-xjenzati biex jiskopri l-aktar affarijiet reċenti fid-dinja tax-xjenza, u mbagħad jaddattawhom għat-tfal. Dan huwa maħsub biex jispira l-imħuħ żgħar u kurjużi, iqanqal il-passjonijiet tagħhom u jrawwem il-kreattività. Jekk qed tfittex mod kif tispira lit-tfal tiegħek, Kids Dig Science huwa essenzjali. Il-mod sempliċi u innovattiv li bih jittrattaw is-suġġetti kollha xjentifiċi, bi spettaklu bil-pupazzi, komiku u interattiv, segwit minn workshop xjentifiku b’parteċipazzjoni diretta, ifisser li t-tfal għandhom l-opportunità jitgħallmu fatti xjentifiċi importanti filwaqt li jieħdu gost ukoll. Din is-sena se tkun esperjenza sabiħa ħafna għall-udjenza b’suġġetti bħat-titjir, il-frazzjonijiet u xi jfisser li wieħed ikun xjenzat. Se jkollna bżonn l-akbar ammont ta’ mħuħ żgħar u kreattivi possibbli sabiex ngħinu lill-pupazzi tagħna jsolvu l-għadd kbir ta’ problemi li se jkunu qed jaffaċċjaw. Bħal dejjem, l-istaġun li jmiss ta’ Kids Dig Science jwiegħed affarijiet kbar, it-tfal tiegħek lesti għal din l-isfida?

Cast and Creative Team

Producer: Edward Duca
Playwright & Puppeteer: Sean Briffa
Performer: Jeremy Grech