
Age: 5-7

– Friday 9th February 2024 at 7pm
– Saturday 10th February 2024 at 11am and 5pm
– Sunday 11th February 2024 at 11am and 1pm

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Puppetry and Theatre

40 min


Studio A, Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5

Ninho (Nest) draws its inspiration from the concise yet profound verses of Portuguese author Miguel Torga’s poem, “Secret.” In this poetic exploration, a hidden secret within a nest unfolds a tale of true friendship and connection.

Particulas Elementares presents Ninho, their most daring project to date, where the narrative unfolds without a single spoken word. Embracing the essence of visual poetry, the production delves into the intricacies of a simple yet captivating plot. The stage is brought to life by Carlos Silva, the show’s author and sole performer. With unhurried grace, he weaves the story through the expressive and surprising artistry of Leonor Bandeira.

The set, adorned with minimal props, features a central character, three secondary elements, and a complementary soundtrack that guides the emotional journey. As the narrative unfurls by chance, sparked by a child’s curiosity, Ninho becomes a tapestry of affection. The performance, designed to captivate both children and adults, leaves the audience with an insatiable desire to set their imagination free. Ninho extends an invitation to savour life’s simple pleasures, emphasizing the significance of the easily comprehensible and the profoundly important. Through a unique blend of visual storytelling and emotive performance, the production celebrates the beauty found within the delicate confines of a nest and the universal language of connection.

Ninho (Bejta) tieħu l-ispirazzjoni mill-versi qosra, iżda profondi, tal-poeżija tal-awtur Portugiż Miguel Torga bl-isem Secret. F’din l-esplorazzjoni poetika, sigriet mistur f’bejta jiżviluppa fi storja ta’ ħbiberija u jesplora relazzjonijiet sinċiera.

Particulas Elementares tippreżenta Ninho, l-aktar proġett avventuruż tagħhom s’issa, fejn in-narrattiva tiżvolġi mingħajr ma titlissen l-ebda kelma. Billi tħaddan l-essenza tal-poeżija viżiva, il-produzzjoni tesplora l-kumplessitajiet ta’ trama sempliċi iżda affaxxinanti. Carlos Silva, l-awtur tal-ispettaklu u l-uniku artist fih, jagħti l-ħajja lill-palk. B’eleganza mhux mgħaġġla, hu jinseġ l-istorja permezz tal-artistrija espressiva u sorprendenti ta’ Leonor Bandeira. Is-sett, imżejjen bi ftit props, jinkludi karattru ewlieni, tliet elementi sekondarji, u kolonna sonora komplementari li tiggwida l-vjaġġ emozzjonali. Hekk kif in-narrattiva tiżviluppa b’fortuna kbira, mibdija minħabba l-kurżità ta’ tifel, Ninho ssir tapizzerija ta’ mħabba.

L-ispettaklu, maħluq biex isaħħar kemm lit-tfal kif ukoll lill-adulti, jħalli l-udjenza b’xewqa bla xaba’ li jħallu l-immaġinazzjoni tagħhom tiġri bihom. Ninho jistieden lill-udjenzi jgawdu l-pjaċiri sempliċi tal-ħajja, billi jenfasizza s-sinifikat ta’ dak li jinftiehem faċilment u li hu verament importanti. Permezz ta’ taħlita unika ta’ rakkuntar ta’ stejjer viżivi u spettaklu mimli emozzjonijiet, il-produzzjoni tiċċelebra s-sbuħija li tinsab fil-konfini delikati ta’ bejta u l-lingwa universali tar-rabtiet.

Cast and Creative Team

Original Idea: Carlos Silva
Director: Leonor Bandeira
Performer and Puppeteer: Carlos Silva
Set Design and Puppets: Leonor Bandeira
Light Design: Joâo Sofio
Photo: Inés Samina