Puffin Rock and The New Friends

Age: 5-7

Sunday 19th May 2024 at 11am


80 min


Spazju Kreattiv Cinema

Adults €8
Children €5

Based on the beloved Netflix series of the same name, PUFFIN ROCK AND THE NEW FRIENDS is an entirely new animated feature featuring favourite characters from the animated series Oona, Baba, May, and Mossy who are joined by a new cast of characters as Isabelle, Phoenix, and Marvin arrive on the island: When the last Little Egg of the season disappears under mysterious circumstances. Oona and her new friends race against time to bring the Little Egg home before a big storm hits Puffin Rock and puts the entire island in danger.

Ibbażat fuq is-serje maħbuba ta’ Netflix bl-istess isem, PUFFIN ROCK AND THE NEW FRIENDS huwa film animat kompletament ġdid li jinkludi l-karattri favoriti mis-serje animata Oona, Baba, May, u Mossy li jingħaqdu ma’ kast ġdid ta’ karattri hekk kif Isabelle, Phoenix, u Marvin jaslu fuq il-gżira: Meta l-aħħar Bajda Żgħira tal-istaġun tisparixxi taħt ċirkostanzi misterjużi, f’ġirja kontra l-ħin Oona u l-ħbieb il-ġodda tagħha jridu jieħdu l-Bajda Żgħira lura d-dar qabel ma tqum maltempata kbira fuq Puffin Rock u tpoġġi l-gżira kollha f’periklu.