Scarab, The Dung Beetle

Age: 4-7 Years

19th to 28th November

This online show will be available to watch between the dates above. Please note that once you start watching you have 24 hours to finish watching the whole show

dance theatre

30 Minutes

English with Maltese and English Subtitles


7 Euros

Scarab, a curious little dung beetle from Ireland, is extremely interested in the world around her, and wants to go to school like other insects her age. Above all else, she desperately wants to make friends and fit in.

When her wish finally comes true, school turns out to be a little harder than she had expected. Despite her efforts, she is constantly picked on, ignored and excluded from games… until something magical happens…

This collaborative dance and narrative project sees two crawly creatures become the unlikeliest of friends, as they find the courage to face up to bullying and other obstacles. Scarab The Dung Beetle is a story of bravery, kindness, resilience and hope, which teaches its audience to help create a kinder, more inclusive and compassionate classroom for all, as well as generations to come.

Dan il-proġett kollaborattiv ta` rakkont ta’ stejjer u żfin jiffoka fuq ic-ckejkna Scarab – ħanfusa tad-demel kurjuża u tinten mill-Irlanda.

Scarab kienet herqana biex titghallem fuq fid-dinja u xtaqet hafna tmur l-iskola bħal insetti oħra ta ‘l-età tagħha. Iktar min hekk riedet b’qalbha kollla taghmel hbieb u thossa inkluza.

Meta x-xewqa ta ’Scarab fl-aħħar issir realtà, l-esperjenza ta` l-iskola tkun ta dizzapunt kbir.
Minkejja li pprovat taghmel hbieb mal-insetti l-ohra, giet kontinwament ibbuljata u eskluża mil-logħob. Xi ftit evitawha u ohrajn injorawha qisha ma kinitx hemm sakemm xi sseħħ xi ħaġa maġika..

Scarab hija storja ta’ qlubija, tjubija, reżiljenza u tama. Din l-istorja tiddiskrivi kif żewġ kreaturi, Scarab u ċckejkna Mita, isibu l-kuraġġ li jiffaċċjaw cikostanzi diffiċili, u jsiru ħbieb kbar. Il-qlubija u t-tjubija tagħhom isiru katalisti għall-bidla li tgħin biex tinħoloq klassi iktar twajba, inklussiva u kompassjonanti għal kulħadd, u anke għall-ġenerazzjonijiet li ġejjin!


Artistic Direction: Zugraga Dance Organisation
Choreography: Patsy Chetcuti & Gaby Davies of Zugraga Dance Organisation
Dancers: Luke Cassar as Mr. O’Toole, Patsy Chetcuti as Mita, Gaby Davies as Scarab, Luisa Fenech Conti as Woody, Katherine Green as Ali, Pamela Kerr as Lily & Julia Lundberg as Milli
Writer & Mindfulness Workshop Co-ordinator: Rebecca Una Sultana
Narration: Anita Foley
Set Designer and Creator: Adrian Mamo
Costumes: Gaetano Deguara
Makeup: Kim Deguara

Resource Pack