
Age: 2-4

– Friday 26th April 2024 at 11:30am (School show)
– Saturday 27th April 2024 at 5pm
– Sunday 28th April 2024 at 11am and 1pm

Non Verbal

35 min


Studio A, Spazju Kreattiv

Adults €8
Children €5
School Shows €5 per student

Created with clay, water, hands and skin, Splotch is a playful musical and visual discovery journey for the very young ones. Clay is in constant transformation as an artistic sculptural material and as a sensorial element that makes imprints, creates pictures and leaves tracks. Shapes and figures emerge in front of the children’s eyes as they witness the discoveries and the living process unfolding. The music is played live, using the basic elements from the performance: glass, clay, water and voice.

Maħluq bit-tafal, l-ilma, l-idejn u l-ġilda, Splotch huwa vjaġġ ta’ skoperta mużikali u viżwali divertenti għaż-żgħar nett. It-tafal huwa fi trasformazzjoni kostanti bħala materjal artistiku ta’ skultura u bħala element sensorjali li jagħmel il-marki, joħloq l-istampi, u jħalli t-traċċi. Il-forom u l-figuri joħorġu quddiem għajnejn it-tfal filwaqt li jaraw l-iskoperti u l-proċess ħaj iseħħ. Il-mużika tindaqq live, bl-użu ta’ elementi bażiċi mill-prestazzjoni: il-ħġieġ, it-tafal, l-ilma, u l-vuċi.

Cast and Creative Team

Idea and Director: Gertrud Exner
Actress: Maria Grønlund Malling
Composer and performer: Simon Voigt
Consultant: Catherine Poher