The Highway Rat: © Orange Eyes Limited 2017
The Highway Rat
Age: 2-4
Sunday 13th March at 11 am
One child ticket includes admittance of one accompanying guardian. Any other accompanying guardian will need to purchase a normal adult ticket.
30 Minutes
Cinema - Spazju Kreattiv
Adults 7 Euros Children 5 Euros
A half hour family animated film based on the much-loved children’s book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. THE HIGHWAY RAT tells the swashbuckling tale of a greedy rat who craves buns and biscuits, but comes to a sticky end. From Magic Light Pictures, producers of the hugely successful The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, Room on the Broom and Stick Man.
Film tal-familja ta’ nofs siegħa bbażat fuq il-ktieb tat-tfal tant maħbub ta’ Julia Donaldson u bi stampi ta’ Axel Scheffler. THE HIGHWAY RAT jirrakkonta l-ħrafa avventuruża ta’ far żaqqieq li dejjem bl-aptit għall-qagħaq u l-gallettini, iżda li jispiċċa f’sitwazzjoni kemxejn diffiċli. Minn Magic Light Pictures, il-produtturi tal-films li kisbu tant suċċess, The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, Room on the Broom u Stick Man.
Director: Jeroen Jaspaert
Producer: Michael Rose
Producer: Martin Pope
Author: Julia Donaldson
Illustrator: Alex Scheffler
Narrator: Rob Brydon
Rabbit: Frances De La Tour
Duck: Nina Sosanya