The Smeds and the Smoos

Age: 2-4

Sunday 7th July at 11am


27 min


Spazju Kreattiv Cinema

Adults €8
Children €5

On a far-off planet, two families always avoid each other. The red Smeds never mix with the Smoos, who are blue, so when a chance encounter allows young Smed Janet to become friends with Bill, a young Smoo, their families immediately try to stop it. But Janet and Bill sneak out to meet up secretly and as they grow up they fall in love. When their families find out they could not be more horrified. So the desperate Janet and Bill sneak away to escape in the Smed’s red rocket to explore the universe together. Realising they’ve lost their children, Grandmother Smoo and Grandpa Smed are compelled to work together to try to find the young couple. Can the two clans discover how to get along?

Fuq pjaneta ’l bogħod, żewġ familji dejjem jevitaw lil xulxin. Is-Smeds il-ħomor qatt ma jitħalltu mas-Smoos, li huma blu, u għalhekk meta Janet, li hija Smed, u Bill, li huwa Smoo, jiltaqgħu b’kumbinazzjoni u jsiru ħbieb meta jkunu għadhom żgħar, il-familji tagħhom immedjatament jippruvaw iwaqqfuhom. Iżda Janet u Bill jiltaqgħu bil-moħbi u jikbru u jsiru jinħabbu. Meta l-familji tagħhom isiru jafu, ma setgħux ikunu aktar imwaħħxa. Għalhekk, Janet u Bill, f’dan il-punt iddisprati, jitilqu bil-moħbi biex jaħarbu bir-rokit aħmar tal-Ismeds sabiex jesploraw l-univers flimkien. Meta jindunaw li tilfu lit-tfal tagħhom, in-Nanna Smoo u n-Nannu Smed iħossu li għandhom jaħdmu flimkien biex jippruvaw isibu l-koppja żagħżugħa. Jistgħu dawn iż-żewġ gruppi jiskopru kif ikollhom relazzjoni tajba?