The Snail and the Whale

Age: 2-4

Sunday 5th May at 11am


27 mins


Spazju Kreattiv Cinema

Adults €8
Children €5

“This is the sea,
So wild and free,
That carried the whale
And the snail on his tail.”

A half hour family film based on the much-loved picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. Join the snail on the tail of a great big grey-blue humpback whale on her journey around the globe. In the unlikely friendship between an ambitious sea snail and a
humpback whale, discover the power of the sea and the perils of swimming too close to the shore…

Can the snail save the whale when he is beached in a secluded bay?

“Dan huwa l-baħar,
Tant selvaġġ u liberu,
Li ġarr il-balena
U l-bebbuxu fuq denbu.”

Film tal-familja ta’ nofs siegħa bbażat fuq il-ktieb tal-istampi tant maħbub ta’ Julia Donaldson u bl-illustrazzjonijiet ta’ Axel Scheffler. Ingħaqad mal-bebbuxu fuq denb il-balena l-kbira griża-blu tal-ġwienaħ kbar għall-vjaġġ tagħha madwar id-dinja. Permezz tal-ħbiberija mhux tas-soltu ta’ bebbuxu tal-baħar ambizzjuż u Balena tal-ġwienaħ kbar, skopri l-qawwa tal-baħar u l-perikli tal-għawm qrib wisq tax-xatt…

Il-bebbuxu ser jirnexxilu jsalva l-balena meta din teħel fuq bajja mwarrba?